We exist to support community jobs and invest in positive change.

At The Root Collective, we partner with small, independent workshops because we believe that's where the most impact in communities happen. Our goal is to support existing workshops that are run by local business owners. All of our producers receive beyond fair trade wages.

This model is intentional. Small business has the power to create incredible change in communities through jobs, and we want to support and empower those local leaders to continue to see change through employment.


FABRIC: All of our fabric is handwoven through one of two cooperatives that we partner with. We work closely with these cooperatives to ensure that the women are getting paid fairly. We have been working with one cooperative for more than 6 years, and the other cooperative we have been partnering with for 3 years.

SHOES: We work with several small workshops in Guatemala City and Pastores. We require transparency to ensure that the shoemakers making our shoes are being paid a fair wage. Our shoemakers earn anywhere from 50-400% above the Fair Wage minimum in Guatemala, depending on their skill and job description.

Ethically made. Empowering communities. Investing in change.